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Long-term Outcome of Femoralfemoral bypass Grafting with Aortouniliac Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
David O'Connor, MD, Ageliki Vouyouka, MD, Scott Sundick, MD, Daniel Han, MD, Varinder Phangureh, MD, Marvin Weaver, MD, Sharif Ellozy, MD, Michael Marin, MD, Peter Faries, MD.
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.

OBJECTIVES: Femoralfemoral bypass grafting in conjunction with aortouniliac endovascular aneurysm repair (AUI) is required for maintenance of contralateral limb perfusion. Acceptable patency rates have been established for occlusive disease, however few studies have examined outcomes after aortouniliac aneurysm repair.
METHODS: All patients undergoing aortouniliac endovascular aneurysm repair at a single institution from 2001 to 2005 were identified from a prospectively maintained database and retrospectively reviewed.
RESULTS: Over a 4 year period, 64 patients underwent AUI with an aortouniliac endovascular stent graft. Cumulative primary patency by life-table analysis at 1, 3, and 5 years was 96.5, 96, and 85% respectively. The mean follow-up 28.8 months (range 1-110 months). Two grafts were removed for infectious complications. There were no associated major amputations.

CONCLUSIONS: Acceptable primary patency results can be achieved with femoralfemoral bypass grafts with endovascular aortouniliac aneurysm repair over the intermediate and long-term periods in patients who require AUI for aneurysm repair.

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