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Stevan S. Pupovac, MD, Julia F. Chen, MD, Prashanth Vallabhajosyula, MD, Naiem Nassiri, MD.
Yale New Haven Health, New Haven, CT, USA.
OBJECTIVES: This single center experience evaluates the investigational, physician-assembled unitary stent graft (USG)
for endovascular debranched aortic repair (EDAR) of a diverse array of thoracoabdominal aortopathies.
METHODS: Between November 2021 and March 2023, 15 consecutive high-surgical risk patients underwent EDAR to treat dissecting and non-dissecting thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA), including failed prior repairs. The USG is assembled using the Medtronic Endurant II platform and Gore Viabhan stents to separate flow proximal to zone 6 into a visceral limb and an infrarenal limb (Figure 1). This design facilitates endoluminal bypasses to target mesenteric and renal vessels and infrarenal EVAR. A physician-sponsored investigational device exemption presubmission database (Q222702) was prospectively maintained and retrospectively reviewed. Technical success was defined as successful back-table assembly, delivery, and deployment of the USG; endoluminal bypass creation to target visceral vessels; and concomitant aortic interventions. Outcomes evaluated were 30-day mortality; major adverse events (MAE) including myocardial infarction, stroke, paraplegia, bowel ischemia, respiratory and renal failure; and imaging follow-up.
RESULTS: There were 1 (6.7%) Type I, 3 (20%) type II, 1 (6.7%) Type III, 2 (13.3%) Type IV and 1 (6.7%) Type V Crawford TAAAs, including 7 (47%) failed prior repairs. Three (20%) were chronically dissected and 1 (6.7%) patient had Marfan syndrome. Six (40%) procedures were performed in a single stage, 6 (40%) in two, and 3 (20%) in three stages. Technical success was achieved in all (100%), including endoluminal bypasses to all intended 57 visceral vessels. There was 1 episode of multiorgan failure and in-hospital mortality (6.7%) in a patient with disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. All remaining 54 visceral vessels remained patent at 30-days. No other MAE, deaths, device-related complications, type I or III endoleaks were encountered immediately or at the median follow-up of 129 days. Median hospital stay was 5 days (interquartile range, 2). There was 1 (1.8%) case of renal artery stent-graft thrombosis refractory to revascularization at 6 months in a hypercoagulable patient.
CONCLUSIONS: EDAR using the USG is a viable, off-the-shelf option for treating a variety of thoracoabdominal aortopathies in patients deemed prohibitive risk for open surgery and/or other endovascular treatments.
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