Friday, March 28, 2025
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Sunday, March 30, 2025
9:00 am - 11:00 am
*Penumbra Fellows Breakfast Program
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Speaker Ready
12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Focused Session I: Vascular Surgery as an Independent Specialty: Perspectives of Stakeholders
(7 minutes for each presentation followed by group discussion)
Moderators: Kellie R. Brown, Linda M. Harris & Dennis R. Gable
Malachi G. Sheahan
Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA
Value and Benefit of an Independent Board of Vascular Surgery
Alan M. Dietzek
Hackensack Meridian Health, Edison, NJ
Vascular Surgery Is Already Virtually Independent with the Vascular Surgery Board - Continued Support of the American Board of Surgery Remains Invaluable
Rabih A. Chaer
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, PA
SVS Taskforce Findings Regarding a Free-Standing vs. Federated Vascular Board and Independent Vascular RRC
Keith D. Calligaro
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Establishing an Independent Vascular RRC: Pathway, Value and Limitations
David C. Han
Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
1:45 pm - 3:35 pm
Scientific Session I: Aortic
Moderators: Jean Bismuth and Malachi G. Sheahan
Introduction of Jason Foster Aortic Award
F1. Multi-institutional Analysis of Chimney Versus Fenestrated Endovascular Repair in the Treatment of Juxtarenal Aortic Aneurysms
Clayton Brinster, MD
1, Meghan Barber, MD
1, G. Ross Parkerson, MD
2, Giancarlo Speranza, MD
3, Thomas Maldonado, MD
3, Dillon Cheung, MD
4, Andrew Meltzer, MD, MBA
4, Joel Kruger, MD
5, Michael Stoner, MD
5, Samuel R. Money, MD, MBA
1University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, 2Ochsner Health, New Orleans, LA, USA, 3NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA, 4Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 5University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA.
F3. Management and Outcomes of Traumatic Aortic Injuries in Children
Priscilla Tanamal, MD, Sophia Trinh, MD, Claudie Sheahan, MD, Bruce Torrance, III, MD, Amanda Tullos, MD, Melissa Donovan, MD, Malachi Sheahan, III, MD.
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA.
F4. Utilization Of Percutaneous Closure Devices for Large Bore Arterial Access in Genetic Aortopathy Patients does not Result in Increased Rates of Access Site Complications
Rebecca Sorber, MD, Sasha Smerekanych, BS, Haley J. Pang, BS, Blake E. Murphy, MD, Kirsten Dansey, MD MPH, Matthew P. Sweet, MD MS, Sara L. Zettervall, MD MPH.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
F5. Tevar In Uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection: A Retrospective Propensity-matched Evaluation of Complications and Aneurysmal Degeneration
Ahmad Tabatabaeishoorijeh
1, Maham Rahimi, MD PhD
1Texas A&M School of Engineering Medicine (ENMED), Houston, TX, USA, 2Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA.
F6. Comparative Effectiveness of Endovascular Versus Open Repair of Elective Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Frail Medicare Population
Thomas Serena, DO
1, Cali E. Johnson, M.D., Ed.D
1, Martha L. Weaver, MD
2, Dean J. Arnaoutakis, MD
3, Larry W. Kraiss, MD
1, Philip P. Goodney, MD, MS
4, Benjamin S. Brooke, MD, PhD
1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 3University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, USA, 4Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA.
F7. Comparison of Bridging Stent-graft Type in Fenestrated Endovascular Repair Oof Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Muhammad S. Mazroua, M.B.B.Ch.
1, Yash K. Pandya, MD
1, Okechukwu Aloziem
2, Michel S. Makaroun, MD
1, Nathan L. Liang, MD
1Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
V1. Safe Large Bore Percutaneous Axillary Access
Ciaran Sualdam O'Brien, MD, Lama Obeid, MD, Jasmine Bhinder, MD, Ziad Al Adas, MD, Darren B. Schneider, MD.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
F8. Re-evaluation of a Standardized Protocol for Treatment of Acute Type B Aortic Dissections: A Single Center Review and Standard of Care Update
Leah M. Gober, MD, Ethan Richmond, BS, Sophia Liu, BS, Jack Bontekoe, MD, Carly Sobol, MD, Kate Telma, MD, Girma Tefera, MD, Paul Dimusto, MD, Courtney Morgan, MD.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.
F9. Landing Zones Optimization Using Transcatheter Electrosurgical Septotomy for Endovascular Repair of Post-dissection Aortic Aneurysms
Andres V. Figueroa
1, Jose Eduardo E. Costa-Filho
1, Mira T. Tanenbaum
1, Lucas R. Kanamori
2, Natalia I. Coronel
1, Marilisa Soto-Gonzalez
1, Titia A. Sulzer
2, Thomas A. Mesnard
2, Ying A. Huang
2, Gerardo H. Gonzalez-Guardiola
1, Mirza S. Baig
1, Gustavo A. Oderich
2, Carlos H. Timaran
1UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA, 2UT Southwestern, Houston, TX, USA.
F10. One-year Outcomes of Preemptive Aneurysm Sac Embolization for Infrarenal Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
Thomas F.X. O'Donnell, MD
1, Alexandra A. Sansosti, MD
1, Edvard Skripochnik, MD
2, Danielle R. Bajakian, MD
1, Nichloas J. Morrissey, MD
1, Lydia Miller, MD
1, Hiroo Takayama, MD, PhD
1, Virendra I. Patel, MD, MPH
1Columbia University Irving Medical Center / NYP Hospital, New York, NY, USA, 2NYP Westchester, Bronxville, NY, USA.
Invited Speaker: "Regionalization of Aortic Surgery to Heighten the Challenges of Equity and Access to Care"
Nii-Kabu Kabutey
University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA
F11. Single Retrograde Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis Versus Traditional Endovascular Repair with Subclavian Coverage for Treatment of Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injuries
Kathryn DiLosa, MD, MPH, Diego Anaya, MD, Nicole Weiss, MD, Steven Maximus, MD.
UC Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA.
F12. Use of Petticoat Technique During Subacute Treatment of Aortic Dissections is Associated with Minimal Risk of Spinal Cord Ischemia and High Rates of False Lumen Thrombosis
Thomas FX O'Donnell, MD, Ariela Zenilman, MD, Lydia Miller, MD, Hiroo Takayama, MD, PhD, Adham Elmously, MD, Virendra I. Patel, MD, MPH.
Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.
F13. Contemporary Outcomes of Open Aortic Reconstruction
Joshua K. Burk, MD, MBA, Ayman Alrazem, Karem Harth, MD, Benjamin Colvard, MD, Jane M. Chung, MD, William Yoon, MD, PhD, Woosup M. Park, MD, Jonathan Kwong, MD, Jae S. Cho, MD.
University Hospitals/Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.
3:35 pm - 3:50 pm
SVS Updates
Linda M. Harris
SVS Vice-President
Buffalo General Medical Center, Buffalo, NY
3:50 pm - 3:55 pm
Jason Foster Aortic Award Presented
2:00 pm - 6:30 pm
*Exhibit Hall Hours
3:50 pm - 4:15 pm
*Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall & ePoster Viewing
4:15 pm - 5:20 pm
Scientific Session II: PAD
Moderators: Charles J. Bailey and Jayer Chung
F14. Prognostic Significance of Intraoperative Graft Flow on Long-term Patency of Below Knee Popliteal and Tibial Bypasses with Autologous Vein in Patients with Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia
Venkata Vineeth Vaddavalli, M.B.B.S., Peter Gloviczki, M.D., Thomas C. Bower, M.D., Jill J. Colglazier, M.D., Randall R. DeMartino, M.D., M.S., Fahad Shuja, M.B.B.S., Bernardo C. Mendes, M.D., Todd E. Rasmussen, M.D., Melinda S. Schaller, M.D., Manju Kalra, M.B.B.S.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
F15. Validation of BEST-CLI Among Patients Undergoing Primary Bypass or Angioplasty +/- Stenting for CLTI
Jeremy D. Darling, MD, MS, Camila R. Guetter, MD, MPH, Jemin Park, MD, Elisa Caron, MD, Isa F. van Galen, MD, Patric Liang, MD, Lars Stangenberg, MD, PhD, Allen D. Hamdan, MD, Mark C. Wyers, MD, Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.
F16. Characteristics of Multidisciplinary Limb Preservation Teams and Their Impact on Outcomes in the BEST-CLI Trial
Douglas W. Jones, MD MS
1, Alik Farber, MD MBA
2, David G. Armstrong, MD DPM PhD
3, Ezana Azene, MD PhD
4, Audra Duncan, MD
5, Tom Todoran, MD MS
6, Gheorghe Doros, PhD MBA
7, Michael B. Strong, MA
8, Kenneth Rosenfield, MD
9, Michael S. Conte, MD
10, Matthew T. Menard, MD
1UMass Medical Center, Worcester, MA, USA, 2Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA, 3University of Southern California, Worcester, CA, USA, 4Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI, USA, 5Western University, London, ON, Canada, 6Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA, 7Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA, 8Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA, 9Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA, 10University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
F17. Outcomes Following Drug-coated Balloons and Drug-eluting Stents in Patients with PAD
Jeremy D. Darling, MD, MS, Camila R. Guetter, MD, MPH, Elisa Caron, MD, Jemin Park, MD, Isa F. van Galen, MD, Patric Liang, MD, Lars Stangenberg, MD, PhD, Allen D. Hamdan, MD, Mark C. Wyers, MD, Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.
F18. Prosthetic (PTFE) Bypass to Infrapopliteal Arteries is a Worthwhile Limb Salvage Procedure
Hasan H. Dosluoglu, MD
1, Yana Etkin, MD
2, Frank Veith, MD
3, Mark Adelman, MD
4, Neal Cayne, MD
5, Karan Garg, MD
6, Gregg Landis, MD
2, Richard Neville, MD
7, Enrico Ascher, MD
1SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, 2Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, NY, USA, 3Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA, 4NYU-Langone Medical Center (Ret.), New York, NY, USA, 5NYU-Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA, 6NYU-Langone Medical Center, Buffalo, NY, USA, 7Inova Health System, Fairfax, VA, USA.
F19. Unpacking the Gap: How Service Type Impacts Patient Care and Outcomes for Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia
Jayne Raven Rice, M.D
1, Sankrit Kapoor, BS
1, Vikki Rueda-Juarez, BS
2, Christianah Alli, MS
2, Julia Glaser, MD
1, Darren Schneider, MD
1, Elizabeth Genovese, MD
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
F20. Relationship Between Childhood Adversity, Adult Hardships, and Surgery Among Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease
Natalie Hmeluk, Martina Jelley, MD, MSPH, FACP, Juell Homco, PhD, MPH, Nicholas Hollman, MPH, Peter R. Nelson, MD, MS, Julie Miller-Cribbs, MSW, PhD, Wato Nsa, MD, PhD, Arad Abadi, MD, Prashanth Iyer, MD, Kimberly Zamor, MD, MS, RPVI, Fernando Motta, MD, Kelly Kempe, MD.
University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK, USA.
F21. Outcomes following Deep Venous Arterialization in Medicare Patients with Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia
Jeremy D. Darling, MD, MS, Siling Li, MSc, Camila R. Guetter, MD, MPH, Patric Liang, MD, Mark C. Wyers, MD, Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD, Eric A. Secemsky, MD, Lars Stangenberg, MD, PhD.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.
F22. Predictors Of Reintervention For Femoral And Popliteal Bypass In Lower Extremity Trauma: A National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) Analysis
Maleek A. Masood, M.D., Afshin Parsikia, Evan Deutsch, MD, Constantine Troupes, MD, PhD, Aaron Ilano, MD, Ann Yufa, MD, Nadia Awad, MD.
Jefferson Einstein Healthcare Network, East Norriton, PA, USA.
5:20 pm - 6:20 pm
*Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall
Monday, March 31, 2025
7:00 am - 7:45 am
Fun Run with the President
Depart from Austin Marriott Downtown Lobby.
7:15 am - 8:15 am
*Continental Breakfast with Industry
7:15 am - 8:15 am
Special Interest Group (SIG) Breakfast Sessions
Moderators: London Guidry and Claudie Sheahan
SIG1. Excision of Iliac Vein Stent for Treatment of Nickel Associated Systemic Hypersensitivity Reaction
Ryan Taylor, MD, Lauren B. Grimsley, MD MBA, Michael M. McNally, MD, Michael R. Buckley, MD.
University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, TN, USA.
SIG3. Dislodged Endovascular Heat-induced Thrombus Resulting in Pulmonary Embolus following Postoperative Ultrasound Compression
Aghilas Belkadi, DO, MS, Danielle Park, DO, Mallika Mendu, Holly Graves, MD.
Inspira Health Network, Vineland, NJ, USA.
SIG4. Enhancing Av Fistula Banding Accuracy with Intraoperative Ultrasound
Richard Deane, MD, Adel Hanandeh, MD, Victor Carbrera, MD, Aditya Rao, MS3, Gerard De Castro, MD, Frederick Fisher, MD.
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
SIG5. Kinked Brachial Artery: A Technical Issue Masquerading as Steal Syndrome
Benjamin Feng, BS, Maleek Masood, MD, Ann Yufa, MD, Nadia Awad, MD.
Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
SIG6. Massive Aneurysmal Arteriovenous Fistulae and Challenges with Diagnostic Tools
Andrew Huang, MD, Justin Rodriguez, BA, Christopher Audu, MD PhD, Peter Henke, MD.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Abdominal Aortic
Moderators: Audra A. Duncan and Nolan C. Cirillo-Penn
SIG11. Surgical Management of Hypogastric Artery-colonic Fistula After Hypogastric Coiling and Stenting
Andrew Droney, DO
1, Helen Potter, MD
1, Paul Anain, MD
2, Gregory Clabeaux, MD
1University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, 2Sisters of Charity - Catholic Health, Buffalo, NY, USA.
SIG12. Streptococcus Equi Causing Mycotic Aortic Aneurysm with Rupture
Abdullah Khan, MD, Fachreza Aryo Damara, MD, Patricia Bartley, MD, Lalithaa Murugan, MD, Francis Caputo, MD, Sean Lyden, MD, Lee Kirksey, MD.
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.
7:00 am - 11:30 am
*Exhibit Hall Hours
7:00 am - 12:30 pm
Speaker Ready Room
7:00 am - 12:30 pm
Registration Desk
8:10 am - 9:30 am
Scientific Session III: Miscellaneous
Moderators: Alik Farber and Elizabeth King
F23. Late Clinical Outcome/neuro Events in asymptomatic Versus Symptomatic Isolated Subclavian Steal
Ali F. AbuRahma, MD, Christina Veith, DO, Noah Dargy, MD, Robert Cragon, MD, Suy Sen Hung Fong, MD.
Charleston Area Medical Center Health Education and Research Institute, Charleston, WV, USA.
F25. Sex-related Long-term Clinical Outcomes of Primary Paclitaxel-eluting Stents for Femoral-popliteal Occlusive Disease
Maria Penuela, MD, Akeem Bartley, MD, Tony Nguyen, DO, Yuchi Ma, MD, Paul Tenewitz, BS, Jean Bismuth, MD, Charles J. Bailey, MD.
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.
F26. Contemporary Pediatric Vascular Surgical Experience for an Academic Program Affiliated with a Quaternary Children’s Hospital System
Angelle A. Hogan, MD
1, Maunil Bhatt, MD
1, Sira Duson, MD MBA
1, Daniel TS Lee
1, Benjamin A. Dixson, MD
1, Michael D. Neel, MD
2, Regan F. Williams, MD
3, Erica L. Mitchell, MD EdM
1The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA, 2St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA, 3Methodist Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA.
F27. Outcomes Of Onco-vascular Reconstruction in Patients with Extremity Sarcomas
Anita Zahiri
1, Arash Fereydooni, MD MS MHS
1, Emily Eshraghian, MPH
1, Milan Ho, BS
2, Raffi S. Avedian, MD
3, David G. Mohler, MD
3, Jason T. Lee, MD
1, E. John Harris, MD
1, Elizabeth L. George, MD MSc
1Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 2UT Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, USA, 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
F28. Vascular Interventions in Gynecologic Oncology Surgery: Outcomes at a Tertiary Medical Center
Milan Ho
1, Arash Fereydooni, MD, MS, MHS
2, Babak Litkouhi, MD
2, Amer Karam, MD
2, Jason T. Lee, MD
2, Edmund J. Harris, Jr., MD
2, Elizabeth L. George, MD, MS
1UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA, 2Stanford Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
F29. Complexity and Variability of Vascular Surgery in Civilian Pediatric Trauma
Misak Harutyunyan, MD, R.Clement Darling, III, MD, Casey Hladik, MD, Jeffrey Hnath, MD.
Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA.
F30. Spontaneous Isolated Celiac Artery Dissections Exhibit a Benign Course on Long-term Follow-up
Ethan Chervonski, B.A.
1, Moira A. McGevna, B.A.
2, Molly Ratner, M.D.
2, Karan Garg, M.D.
2, Thomas S. Maldonado, M.D.
2, Mikel Sadek, M.D.
2, Todd L. Berland, M.D.
2, Katherine A. Teter, M.D.
2, Caron B. Rockman, M.D.
1NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA, 2NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, USA.
V2. Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Approach to Lumbar Artery and Inferior Mesenteric Artery Ligation for Treatment of Type 2 Endoleak
Charudatta Bavare, MD, Jacob Basil Watson, MD, Rahul Ghosh, BS, Matthew Kenny, B.S., Alan Lumsden, MD.
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA.
Invited Speaker: "Disparities and Interventions to Improve Limb Salvage"
Misaki Kiguchi, MD
Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
9:30 am - 10:00 am
*Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall & ePoster Viewing
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Scientific Session IV: Carotid
Moderators: Margaret C. Tracci and Jason T. Lee
F31. Stroke/Death Ratio as a Measure to Gauge Reporting of Outcomes following Carotid Revascularization
Yoel Solomon, MD
1, Filippo Mantovani
1, Sai Divya Yadavalli, MD
1, Andrew Sanders, MD
1, Sara Allievi, MD
2, Christina L. Marcaccio, MD
1, Kirstein D. Dansey, MD
3, Kristina A. Giles, MD
4, Gert J. de Borst, MD
5, Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD
1Department of Surgery, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, 2Department of Vascular Surgery, Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy, 3Department of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, 4Department of Vascular Surgery, Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, USA, 5Department of Vascular Surgery, University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands.
F32. Predictors of Postoperative Stroke after Transfemoral Carotid Artery Stenting
Elisa Caron, MD
1, Sai Divya Yadavalli, MD
1, Isa Van Galen, MD
1, Jemin Park, MD
1, Camila R. Guetter, MD, MPH
1, Jeremy Darling, MD
1, Randall A. Bloch, MD
2, Roger B. Davis, ScD
1, Katie Shean, MD
3, Douglas W. Jones, MD
4, Mark E. Conrad, MD
2, Jack L. Cronenwett, MD
5, Marc L. Schermerhorn, MD
1Beth Israel Deconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA, 2St Elizabeth's Medical Center, Brighton, MA, USA, 3St Elizabeth's Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA, 4UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA, USA, 5Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA.
F33. Safety and Feasibility of Same-admission TCAR Prior to Heart Surgery for Patients Presenting with Concurrent, Severe Carotid Artery Stenosis and Surgical Cardiac Disease
Brittany Landavazo
1, Matthew Kenny
1, Chandler Vernon
2, Shir Yelovitch, PhD
3, Nicolas Zea, MD
3, Jeffrey Apple, MD
3, David Nation, MD
3, Kofi Quaye, MD
3, Ryan Turley, MD
1Texas A&M College of Medicine, Round Rock, TX, USA, 2Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, 3Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeons, Austin, TX, USA.
F34. Safety and Efficacy of Carotid Artery Dissection Management with Transfemoral Carotid Artery Stent (TFCAS) and Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR): Multi-institutional Study
Ahmed Abdelkarim, MD, Mikayla Kricfalusi, MD, Sina Zarrintan, MD, Elsie Ross, MD, Mahmoud Malas, MD, MHS, RPVI, FACS.
UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.
F35. Barriers to Routine use of Mini-incision Carotid Endarterectomy; Results or an SCVS Survey
Keerthivasan Vengatesan, MD, Ronald Truong, MD, Kyle J. Thompson, PhD, Alan M. Dietzek, MD.
Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CT, USA.
F36. Direct Supply Cost and Complication Analysis of Transfemoral Carotid Stenting versus Carotid Endarterectomy versus Transcarotid Artery Revascularization - A Single Center Retrospective Study
Sarah Wenyon, BA, MPhil, Antony Fuleihan, BA, Melissa Xu, BA, Jovial Jospeh, BA, Natalie Walker, BA, Marissa Witmer, BA, Michael Nooromid, MD, Babak Abai, MD.
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Peter B. Samuels Award Announcement
F38. Management And Outcomes of Traumatic Carotid Injuries
Priscilla Tanamal, MD, Sophia Trinh, MD, Amit Chawla, MD, Amanda Tullos, MD, Danielle Sethi, MD, Madeline Dills, MD, Claudie Sheahan, MD, Malachi Sheahan, III, MD.
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA.
11:00 am - 11:05 am
Introduction of President
Vincent L. Rowe, MD
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
11:05 am - 12:00 pm
Presidential Address
Jean Bismuth, MD
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
12:00 pm - 12:55 pm
Scientific Session V: Dialysis
Moderators: William P. Robinson, III and Teah Qvavadze
F40. Outcomes of Antecubital Reconstruction for Dysfunctional Forearm Arteriovenous Fistulas
Bright Benfor, MD
1, Amen Kiani, MD
2, Dylan E. Brook, MD
1, Cecilia Fenelli, MD
3, Surendra Shenoy, MD
2, Eric K. Peden, MD
1Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA, 2Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA, 3Ospedale San Giovanni Di Dio, Florence, Italy.
F41. Comparative Outcomes of Arteriovenous Grafts and Lower Extremity Venous Transpositions and Translocations for Patients without Suitable Upper Extremity Superficial Vein
Alexander R. Mikhail, MD, Kap Owens, MD, Danielle Sethi, MD, Wajeeh Irfan, MD, MPH, Taylor Gwin, MD, MPH, Jon Schellack, MD, Malachi Sheahan, MD, London Guidry, MD.
Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA, USA.
F42. High Output Heart Failure Driven by Arteriovenous Fistulas in ESRD Patients
Gabriella Aponte Camacho, BS, Zachary Matthay, MD, Alexandra Sansosti, MD, Nicholas J. Morrissey, MD, Virendra I. Patel, MD, MPH.
Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, NYC, NY, USA.
F44. Expanding The Possibilities for AVF Creation with Brachial Plexus Block
Alex Murrant-Johnson
1, Joann Lohr, MD
2, Chase Hoffman, MD
2, Brayden Reince, MD
2, Jillian Smith, MD
2, Wesley Gray
1University of South Carolina School of Medicine- Columbia, COLUMBIA, SC, USA, 2Dorn VA, COLUMBIA, SC, USA.
F45. Antiplatelet And Anticoagulant Impact On Patients With Lower Extremity Arteriovenous Dialysis Access
Gavin Christy, B.S.
1, David Ebertz, M.D.
1, Jeffrey Siracuse, M.D.
2, Matthew R. Smeds, M.D.
1St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
F46. Upper Extremity Arteriovenous Grafts Are Less Likely To Be Abandoned Compared To Autogenous Fistulas Despite A Higher Reintervention Rate
Nyah Patel, MPH
1, Alik Farber, MD, MBA
1, Elizabeth King, MD
1, Mahmoud Malas, MD, MHS
2, Vipul Chitalia, MD, PhD
1, Jesse Columbo, MD
3, Phillip Goodney, MD
3, Jeffrey Siracuse, MD, MBA
1Boston University, Boston, MA, USA, 2University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA, 3Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA.
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
*Members Business Luncheon (Members Only)
1:00 pm
*Lunch on Own (Non-Members)
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
*Diversity Reception
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
*Top Gun Competition
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
*Young Vascular Surgeons Program Dinner
Sponsored by: Medtronic
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
7:00 am - 8:15 am
*Concurrent Breakfast Symposia
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
*Exhibit Hall Hours
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Speaker Ready Room
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Desk
7:00 am - 8:30 am
*Continental Breakfast with Industry
8:00 am - 9:15 am
Scientific Session VI: Education and Training
Moderators: Malachi G. Sheahan, Jeffrey Jim and Brigitte K. Smith
Invited Speaker: "Strategies to Mitigate Peripheral Artery Disease Disparities"
Olamide Alabi
Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA
F47. Pilot Implementation of the Vascular Surgery Entrustable Professional Activities
M Libby Weaver, MD
1, Thomas Serena, DO
1, Ting Sun, PhD
1, Kristyn Mannoia, MD
2, Raghu Motaganahalli, MD
3, Yana Etkin, MD
4, Michael C. Soult, MD
5, Brigitte K. Smith, MD, MHPE
1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA, 3Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 4Northwell Health, New York City, NY, USA, 5Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA, 6University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.
F48. Vascular Surgery Interest Groups Significantly Influence Matching at Top Integrated Vascular Surgery Residencies
Melissa Chen Xu, BS
1, Antony Fuleihan, MSE
1, Scott Koeneman, PHD
2, Babak Abai, MD
3, Michael Nooromid, MD
1Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2Sidney Kimmel Medical College Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
F49. Suicidal Ideation among Vascular Surgery Trainees
Christina L. Cui, MD, MAS
1, Margaret A. Reilly, MD, MS
2, Eric B. Pillado, MD, MBA, MS
2, Ruojia D. Li, MD, MS
3, Joshua S. Eng, PhD
4, Leanne E. Grafmuller, MD
5, Kathryn L. DiLosa, MD, MPH
6, Allan M. Conway, MD
7, Guillermo A. Escobar, MD
8, Palma M. Shaw, MD, MBA
9, Yue-yung Hu, MD, MPH
2, Karl Y. Bilimoria, MD, MS
4, Malachi G. Sheahan, III, MD
10, Dawn M. Coleman, MD
1Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 2Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA, 3Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA, 4Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 5University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 6University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA, 7University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA, 9Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA, 10Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA, USA.
F50. Operative Confidence of Graduating Vascular Surgery Trainees
Jin Park, MD
1, Sameh Yousef
1, Dawn Salvatore, MD
2, Michael Nooromid, MD
2, Paul DiMuzio, MD
2, Babak Abai, MD
1Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA, USA, 2Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
F51. Vascular Surgery Residency Matching - Impact of Completion of a Visiting Student Rotation Increase on Matching
Julia Kessel
1, Kelsey Landrum
2, Chris Agala, PhD
3, Federico Parodi, MD
4, Mark A. Farber, MD
4, Luigi Pascarella, MD
1The University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 3Department of Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 4Division of Vascular Surgery, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
F52. Current State of Interventions to Assist Trainee Parenthood
Margaret A. Reilly, MD, MS
1, Christina L. Cui, MD, MAS
2, Eric B. Pillado, MD, MBA, MS
1, Ruojia D. Li, MD, MS
3, Joshua S. Eng, PhD
4, Leanne E. Grafmuller, MD
5, Kathryn L. DiLosa, MD, MPH
6, Allan M. Conway, MD
7, Guillermo A. Escobar, MD
8, Palma M. Shaw, MD, MBA
9, Yue-Yung Hu, MD, MPH
1, Karl Y. Bilimoria, MD, MS
4, Malachi G. Sheahan, MD
10, Dawn M. Coleman, MD
1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA, 2Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 3Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA, 4Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 5University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 6University of California Davis Health, Sacramento, CA, USA, 7University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA, 9Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA, 10Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA, USA.
F53. Predicting General Surgery Residents’ Competence and Autonomy in Core Endovascular Surgery Procedures
Pavan Guduri, MD, Rebecca Moreci, MD, Ting Sun, PhD, Misaki Kiguchi, MD, Brian George, MD, Malachi Sheahan III, MD, Brigitte Smith, MD.
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA.
F54. Love's Labor Lost: Exploring the Premium Associated with Academic Practice in Cardiovascular Interventional Subspecialties
Rajavi Parikh, D.O.
1, Tyler Zander, MD
1, Melissa Kendall, MD
1, Rachel Wolansky, MD
1, Emily Grimsley, MD
1, Joseph Sujka, MD
1, Dave Anderson
2, Murray Shames, MD
1, Evan Lipsitz, MD
3, Jean Bismuth, MD
1, Paul Kuo, MD
1University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA, 2Sullivan Cotter, Southfield, MI, USA, 3Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.
Invited Speaker: "Leveling the Playing Field: Addressing Disparities in Vascular Training"
Gabriela Velazquez-Ramirez, MD
Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
9:15 am - 9:45 am
*Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall & ePoster Viewing
9:45 am - 10:45 am
International Panel
Moderators: Palma M. Shaw, EricaL. Mitchell, and Alan M. Dietzek
Henrik Sillesen, MD
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nabil Chakfé, MD
University Hospital at Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Stephen Black, MD, FEBVS, FRCS Ed, MbBCH
UK Vein Clinic, London, England
10:45 am - 10:50 am
Introduction of Distinguished Visiting Professor
Jean Bismuth, MD
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
10:50 am - 11:45 am
Distinguished Visiting Professor
“What Makes a Great Leader?”
Charlene Grabowski
Pathfinder Strategies, Retired GM & VP GE Healthcare, Tucson, AZ
11:45 am - 1:00 pm
*Concurrent Lunch Symposia
Penumbra Lunch Symposia (Not For Credit)
Sign Up
W. L. Gore & Associates Lunch Symposia (Not For Credit)
Speaker: Nathan Liang, MD,
Pittsburgh, PA
Sign Up
Medtronic Lunch Symposia (Not For Credit)
Sign Up
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Focused Session II: Complications: My Worst Case with a Bad Outcome - I Wish I Never Operated
(20 minute case presentations)
Moderators: Caron B. Rockman, Marc L. Schermerhorn & Darren B. Schneider
Peter L. Faries
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
Case Presentations
Margaret Tracci
University of Virgina Health System, Charlottesville, VA
K. Dean J. Arnaoutakis
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Jean M. Panneton
Eastern Virgina Medical School, Norfolk, VA
Misty Humphries
University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Karmody ePoster Competition, First Round & Coffee Beak
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Debate Session
Moderators: Malachi Sheahan and Jean Bismuth
The Vascular Surgery Board needs to be independent from the American Board of Surgery
Pro: Sean P. Lyden, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Con: David A. Rigberg, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Vascular surgeons need to unionize
Pro: Enrico Ascher, NYU Langone Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
Con: Samuel R. Money, Ochsner Clinic, Chapel Hill, NC
Disparities Research is Worthwhile
Pro: Ulka Sachdev, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Con: Vincent Rowe, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
52nd Annual Symposium Reception
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
7:15 am - 8:15 am
Special Interest Group (SIG) Breakfast Sessions
Thoracic Aortic
Moderators: Jesse M. Manunga, Jr. and David A. Rigberg
SIG13. Invasive Transmural Fungal Infection: A Rare Cause of Thoracic Aortic Occlusion
Joanna F. Shaw, MD, MS, Benjamin Emert, MD, Jesus Ulloa, MD, Vincent Rowe, MD.
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
SIG14. Case Series: A Novel Approach to Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair using a "Zone 1.5" Deployment of Thoracic Branched Endoprosthesis Device
Keyuree Satam, MD, Sabina Sorondo, MD, Arash Fereydooni, MD, Pauline Berens, Jason T. Lee, MD.
Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
SIG16. Successful, Definitive In-situ Surgical Repair of Tracheo-innominate Artery Fistula Initially Temporized with Endovascular Intervention
Alley E. Ronaldi, MD, Todd E. Rasmussen, MD, Manju Kalra, MBBS, Bernardo C. Mendes, MD, Alberto Pochettino, MD, Jill J. Colglazier, MD.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
SIG17. Branched Endovascular Repair of Aortic Re-coarctation and Post-coarctation Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm with the Off-the-shelf Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis
Jesse Chait, D.O., Muhammed Varol, M.D., Allison K. Cabalka, M.D., Jason H. Anderson, M.D., Bernardo C. Mendes, M.D..
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
SIG18. Unexpected Aortic Events in Asymptomatic Turner Syndrome Patients
Milan Jaiswal, BA, Sara Mansoorshahi, BS, Siddharth Prakash, MD, PhD, Rana Afifi, MD.
UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX, USA.
Moderators: Thomas S. Maldonado & Yana Etkin
SIG19. Concurrent Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome and Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome
Tiffany Bellomo, MD, Connie Hsu, MD, Pavan Bolla, MBBS, Dana Kotler, MD, Abhisekh Mohapatra, MD.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
SIG20. Intraoperative Consultation for Complex Limb-threatening Traumatic Vascular Injury in a Hemodynamically Unstable Patient
Nicola M. Habash
1, Fari Fall
2, Babak Abai
2, Michael Nooromid
1Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
SIG24. Limb Salvage Using Pounce LP Mechanical Thrombectomy Device After Failed Percutaneous and Open Thromboembolectomy: A New Tool for the Armamentarium
Hassan Chamseddine, MD, Loay Kabbani, MD, Alexander Shepard, MD, Timothy Nypaver, MD, Mitchell Weaver, MD, Kevin Onofrey, MD.
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA.
7:00 am - 12:05 pm
Speaker Ready Room
7:00 am - 12:05 pm
Registration Desk
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
8:20 am - 9:20 am
Scientific Session VII: Venous
Moderators: Karen Woo and Misaki M. Kiguchi
F55. Early And Late Outcomes of Patients Treated with Graft Replacement of the Inferior Vena Cava for Malignant Disease: A Single Center Experience Over Three Decades
Taleen A. MacArthur, MD, Jill J. Colglazier, MD, Randall R. DeMartino, MD, MS, Manju Kalra, MBBS, Todd E. Rasmussen, MD, Fahad Shuja, MBBS, Melinda S. Schaller, MD, Mark J. Truty, MD, MS, Peter Gloviczki, MD, David M. Nagorney, MD, Kenneth J. Cherry, Jr., MD, Thomas C. Bower, MD, Bernardo C. Mendes, MD.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
F56. Impact of the Venovalve on Patients with Primary and Thrombotic Deep Venous Reflux
Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, MD, MPH, MS
1, Eric Hager, MD
2, Eric Peden, MD
3, Nani Longwolf, MD
4, Matthew R. Smeds, MD
1Yale School Of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA, 2University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 3Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA, 4University of Utah, Utah, UT, USA, 5Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO, USA.
F57. Catheter-directed Interventions vs. Surgical Embolectomy in Massive Pulmonary Embolism
Hind Anan, MD
1, Pamela EL Hayek, MD
1, Fanny Alie-Cusson, MD
2, Belinda Rivera-Lebron, MD MSCE
1, Elizabeth Andraska, MD MSc
1, Rabih Chaer, MD MSc
1, Marissa Jarosinski, MD
1, Natalie Sridharan, MD MSc
1University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2Atrium Health Cleveland/Carolinas Medical Center, Shelby, NC, USA.
F59. The Clinical and Financial Impact of Establishing an Office-based Vein Center within an Academic Medical System
Yancheng Dai, MD
1, Dejah R. Judelson, MD
1, Douglas W. Jones, MD
1, Andres Schanzer, MD
1, Dawn Durocher, BA
2, Francesco A. Aiello, MD, MBA
1Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA, 2UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA, USA.
F60. Non-thermal Modalities are a Key Element to Wound Healing in Ceap 6 Patients
Leigh Ann O'Banion, MD
1, Christian Anthony Campat, DO
1, Masaki Kiguchi, MD
2, Juan Carlos Jimenez, MD
3, Ulka Sachdev, MD
4, Niyati Bhatt
5, Alexander Rothstein, BM, BA
4, Julie Bitner, BA
1UCSF Fresno, Fresno, CA, USA, 2MedStar Health, Washington DC, DC, USA, 3UCLA Gonda Venous Center, UCLA, CA, USA, 4UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 5Georgetown University, Washington DC, DC, USA.
F61. The Impact of Multiparity on Venous Insufficiency
Olga Bakayev, MD
1, Emilia Kalutskaya, BS
2, Crystal McLeod, BS
3, Rielyn Booker, BS
4, Natalie Marks, MD
1, Enrico Ascher, MD
1, Anil Hingorani, MD
1Total Vascular Care, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA, 3University of British Colombia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4Avalon University School of Medicine, Willemstad, Curaçao, 5NYU Langone, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
9:20 am - 10:20 am
Scientific Session VIII: Imaging, Medical Management and Visceral
Moderators: Misty Humphries and Nicolas Zea
F62. Diagnosis Of Submassive Pulmonary Embolism (SMPE): CT Angiography (CTA), Echocardiography, and the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Lauren A. Huntress, MD
1, Matthew Sayegh, MD
2, Joseph Savarese, MD
1, John Ricotta, MD, FACS, DFSVS
1, Joseph J. Ricotta, MD, FACS
1Delray Medical Center, Delray Beach, FL, USA, 2Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine, Delray Beach, FL, USA.
F63. Impact of Imaging Surveillance Compliance on Outcomes after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in VA Hospitals
Laura Newton, MD
1, Aravind Ponukumati, MD
1, Gabrielle Zwain, BA
1, Caroline Korves, MPH
1, Kayla Moore, BA
2, Shipra Arya, MD
3, Olamide Alabi, MD
4, Salvatore Scali, MD
5, Emily Spangler, MD
6, Philip Goodney, MD
1White River Junction Veterans Affairs Medical Center, White River Junction, VT, USA, 2Dartmouth Health, Lebanon, NH, USA, 3Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 4Atlanta Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, Atlanta, GA, USA, 5Malcolm Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Gainesville, FL, USA, 6Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham, AL, USA.
F64. PROPEL-MRA: Probing Tibial Patency with MRA for Enhanced Limb Preservation in Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia
Madeline Drake, MD, Paul Haddad, MD, Bright Benfor, MD, Alexander Crichton, MD, Judit Csore, MD PhD, Trisha Roy, MD PhD.
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA.
F65. Preliminary Results of Utilizing Cine Angiography as an Alternative Modality During Visceral Vessel Cannulation to Reduce Radiation Exposure During F/BEVAR's
Nikunj Nitin Donde, MD, Bret R. Akins, CVT, Misty Humphries, MD, MAS, Steven Maximus, MD.
University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA.
F66. Utilizing MRI-histology to Identify Plaque Composition Features that Predict Percutaneous Vascular Interventional Crossing Failures in an Ex Vivo Model
Alexander Crichton, MBChB, MS, Judit Csore, MD, PhD, Bright Benfor, MD, Peter Osztrogonacz, MD, Christof Karmonik, PhD, Trisha Roy, MD, PhD.
Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA.
V6. Endovascular Management of An Intercostal Patch Aneurysm in a Patient with Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
Guilherme B. Lima, MD, PhD, Diego S. Rodrigues, MD, Randall R. DeMartino, MD, Bernardo C. Mendes, MD.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
10:20 am - 11:05 am
Karmody ePoster Competition, Final Round
Moderator: Malachi G. Sheahan and Marie E. Unruh
11:05 am - 12:05 pm
Scientific Session IX: Aortic II
Moderators: Palma M. Shaw and Rana O. Afifi
F68. Morphology and Outcomes of Endovascular Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Hostile Neck Anatomy
Grayson S. Pitcher, MD
1, Benjamin C. Ford, MD
1, Doran Mix, MD
1, Karina S. Newhall, MD
1, Indrani Sen, MBBS
2, Michael C. Stoner, MD
1, Bernardo C. Mendes, MD
1University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA, 2Mayo Clinic Health System, Eau Claire, WI, USA, 3Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
F69. Long-term Results: Comparing Outcomes of Open vs. Endovascular Complex Aortic Aneurysm Repairs at Centers without Access to Custom Made Devices in the Fenestrated/branched Stent-graft Era
Jesse Manunga, Jr., MD
1, Hamza Hanif, MD
2, Ellen Cravero, MS
3, Elliot Stephenson, MD
1, Ross M. Clark, MD
4, Nedaa Skeik, MD
1, Muhammad Ali Rana, MD
1Minneapolis Heart Institute at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 3Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 4University of New Mexico Health Sciences, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 5University of New Mexico Health Sciences, Alburquerque, NM, USA.
F70. Increasing Clinical Experience and Changes in Practice Protocols Improved Outcomes of Fenestrated Branched Endovascular Repair of Complex Aortic Aneurysms
Dora Babocs, MD
1, Lucas R. Kanamori, MD
1, Bruno P. Schmid, MD
1, Emanuel R. Tenorio, MD PhD
1, Steven Maximus, MD
1, Bernardo C. Mendes, MD
2, Thanila A. Macedo, MD
1, Ying Huang, MD PhD
1, Gustavo S. Oderich, MD
1Advanced Aortic Research Program, Departments of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery and Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Houston, Houston, TX, USA, 2Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
F71. Partial Diaphragm Division is Associated with Decreased Ventilator Support After Open Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repair
Abdul Kader Natour, M.D., Thomas C. Bower, MD, Alberto Pochettino, MD, Bernardo C. Mendes, MD, Venkata Vineeth Vaddavalli, MBBS, Manju Kalra, MBBS, Randall R. DeMartino, MD, Jill Colglazier, MD.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
F72. A Multi-institutional Collaboration Evaluating the Use of Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis (IBE) to Repair Internal Iliac Artery Aneurysms (IIAA)
Raj Patel, MD
1, Javairiah Fatima, MD
1, Lucas Kanamori, MD
2, Gustavo Oderich, MD
2, Naveed Saqib, MD
2, Rebecca Treffalls, DO
3, Guilherme Lima, MD
3, Bernardo Mendes, MD
1MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, USA, 2Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA, 3Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
F73. Early Outcomes of Off-The-Shelf Thoracoabdominal Multibranch Endoprosthesis during Pre vs Post-Market Approval Period
Kenneth Han, BA, Alyssa Pyun, MD, Imani McElroy, MD, Elizabeth Miranda, MD, Miguel Manzur, MD, Gregory A. Magee, MD, Fred A. Weaver, MD, MMM, Sukgu M. Han, MD, MS.
Keck Medical Center of USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
F74. Differences in Aortic Remodeling in Patients with Type IA and Type V Endoleak Who Undergo Salvage with F/BEVAR
Trung Nguyen, DO
1, Eric Finnesgard, MD
2, Shivam Patel, BS
1, Andrew Matar, MD
1, Murray Shames, MD
1, Jean Bismuth, MD
1, Salvatore Scali, MD
3, Andres Schanzer, MD
2, Dean J. Arnaoutakis, MD, MBA
1University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA, 2University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, USA, 3University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
SIG25. Open Resection of Gastroduodenal Artery Aneurysm with Fistulization into the Duodenum 17 Years After Coil Embolization in a Patient with Caroli Disease
Shreef Said, M.D, Benjamin Crews, Cecilia Lee, Anand Brahmandam, Aditi Kapil, Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar.
Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.