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MRV vs. IVUS for the detection of iliac vein stenosis
Anil Hingorani, M.D., danny novak, enrico ascher, md, natalie marks, md rvt, alexsander shiferson, do, robert jimenez, md, ed aboian, md, theresa jacob, PhD.
Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA.

Some authors have suggested that intravascular ultrasound should be considered the gold standard imaging modality for the diagnosis of iliac vein stenosis. We wished to explore the use of MRV since it is non-invasive.
Methods: 23 patients underwent MRV and IVUS for lower extremity venous insufficiency. MRV only identified one patient with chronic DVT of the iliac vein. IVUS identified 17 patients with moderate to severe iliac vein stenosis who underwent subsequent stenting in this dataset (> 50% diameter or area reduction). The sensitivity of MRV was 14 % and negative predictive value 33 %. Based upon these data, we suggest the MRV not be used in the evaluation for iliac vein stenosis. MRV is not sensitive for the detection of nonthrombotic iliac vein stenosis.

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