2012 ePosters
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ePoster Listing
EP1. | | Early Duplex Predicts Late Stenosis After Renal Artery Angioplasty and Stenting Jason W. Christie, MD, Thomas D. Conlee, MD, Timothy E. Craven, Justin B. Hurie, MD, Kimberley J. Hansen, MD Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC
EP2. | | Autogenous Vein Reconstruction May Not Protect Against Re-infection of Infrarenal Aortic Grafts Kristofer M. Charlton-Ouw, MD1, Harleen K. Sandhu, MD1, Guanmengqian Huang, MD2, Samuel S. Leake, BS1, Charles C. Miller, III, PhD3, Ali Azizzadeh, MD1, Sheila M. Coogan, MD1, Anthony L. Estrera, MD1, Safi J. Safi, MD1 1University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, 2Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, 3Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX
EP3. | | Prospective Randomized Study of Fibrin Sealant Versus Manual Compression for Treatment of Suture Line Bleeding in Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) Graft Placement Sibu P. Saha, MD, MBA1, Satish Muluk, MD2, Worthington Schenk, III, MD3, James W. Dennis, MD4, Bettina Ploder, MS5, Ani Grigorian, MFA6, Isabella Presch, MD, MBA5, Andreas Goppelt, PhD5 1Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 2Allegheny General Hospital, Division of Vascular Surgery West Penn, Pittsburgh, PA 3University of Virginia, the Surgical Therapeutic Advancement Center, Department of Surgery, Charlottesville, VA 4University of Florida Health Science Center of Jacksonville, Department of Surgery, Jacksonville, FL 5Baxter innovations GMBH, Vienna, Austria 6Baxter Healthcare Corp, Westlake Village, CA
EP4. | | High Intraoperative Transfusion Volumes are Independently Associated with a Higher 30-day Mortality in Stanford Type-A Aortic Dissection Patients Wadi Gomero-Cure, MD, Robert Lowery, MD, Steven W. Boyce, MD, Jennifer Ellis, MD, Ammar S. Bafi, MD, Fred Beavers, MD, Sean O'Donnell, M.D, Paul Corso, MD Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
EP5. | | Endovascular Treatment for Distal Aortic Occlusive Disease with Concomitant Asymptomatic Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: Successful Revascularization of the Aorta and Inferior Mesenteric Artery Using the Kissing-Stents Technique Marisa Toma, MD, Angelo Santos, MD, Bart Chess, MD, Satish Muluk, MD Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
EP6. | | Percutaneous Thrombectomy for AV Access Failure: Some Predictive Factors Clifford M. Sales, MD1, Hilary Barr2, Christopher Banko, RN2, Rami Bustami, PhD1 1Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ, USA, 2The Cardiovascular Care Group, Westfield, NJ
EP7. | | The Diagnosis and Management of Popliteal Vein Aneurysms Grant T. Fankhauser, MD1, William M. Stone, MD1, Thomas C. Bower, MD2, Richard J. Fowl, MD1, Gloviczki Peter, MD2, Samuel R. Money, MD, MBA1 1Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
EP8. | | Safety of IVC Filter Retrieval without Interruption of Anticoagulation Neil Moudgill, MD, Bing Shue, BS, Paul DiMuzio, MD, Taki Galanis, MD, Atul Rao, MD, Joshua Eisenberg, MD Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
EP10. | | Screening for Carotid Stenosis - Prospective Clinical Trial Using a Hand-Held Ultrasound Device John Blebea, MD1, David Vilkomerson, PhD2, Robert Outcault, RVT3, Glenn Jacobowitz, MD4, Kenneth Goldman, MD3 1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 2DVX, Princeton, NJ 3Princeton Surgical Associates, Princeton, NJ 4New York University, New York, NY
EP11. | | Preliminary Results of a Coated Shunt to Reduce Thrombotic Complications During Prolonged Arterial Shunting Joel Durinka, MD1, Rashad Choudry, MD1, Grisafi Joseph, MD1, H. Hank Simms, MD1, Jeffrey Indes, MD2 1Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA 2Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
EP12. | | The Rise and Fall of Renal Artery Angioplasty and Stenting in the United States, 1988-2009 Patric Liang, Rob Hurks, MD, Rodney P. Bensley, MD, Frank Pomposelli, MD, Allen Hamdan, MD, Mark Wyers, MD, Elliot Chaikof, PhD, MD, Marc Schermerhorn, MD BIDMC, Boston, MA
EP13. | | Volume Flow Reduction Using Distal Inflow Provides Excellent Intermediate Outcome for Patients with Functioning Autogenous AV Fistula and Dialysis Access Steal Syndrome Tam T. Huynh, MD1, Eric K. Peden, MD2, Javier E. Anaya-Ayala, MD2, Mark G. Davies, MD, PhD, MBA2, Joseph J. Naoum2 1University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX 2The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
EP14. | | Importance of Intravascular Ultrasound During Percutaneous Treatment of May-Thurner Syndrome Brian G. DeRubertis, MD, Wesley Lew, MD, Sinan Jabori, Ali Alktaifi, MD, Juan C. Jimenez, MD, Peter F. Lawrence, MD UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
EP15. | | The Impact of Clinical and Anatomical Factors on the Utility of Computed Tomography in the Workup of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease Timothy W. Capps, MD, Bryan A. Ehlert, MD, Matthew B. Burruss, MD, Jennifer E. Threatt, BA, Alex J. Ferikes, Chaitanya Madamanchi, Charles S. Powell, MD, William M. Bogey, MD, Frank M. Parker, DO, Michael C. Stoner, MD East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
EP16. | | Combined Use of an Endovascular Stent Graft and Ultrasound-Guided Thrombin Injection in the Management of an Iatrogenic Subclavian Pseudoaneurysm and Arteriovenous Fistula Daniel E. Ramirez, MD, W C. Sternbergh, III, MD, Taylor Smith, MD, Hernan A. Bazan, MD Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, LA
EP17. | | The Impact of Limited Vascular Ultrasound Studies on Clinical Decision Making in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease Douglas Wooster, MD1, Mary Angelson, B.Sc, RVT2, Elizabeth Wooster, M.Ed., PhD(c)1, Andrew Dueck, MD1 1University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Toronto West Vascular Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
EP18. | | Synchronous vs. Staged Coronary Revascularization And Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Open Repair: A Systematic Review Konstantinos Spanos, Sr., Vasileios Salepsis, Nikolaos Roussas, Sr., Antonios Vouzas, Sr., Christos Argyriou, Sr., Athanasios Giannoukas, Sr., Professor University Hospital of Larissa, Larissa, Greece
EP19. | | Subclavian Artery Revascularization - A Changing Practice Peter Naughton, MD, Manuel Garcia-Toca, Heron Rodriguez, MD, Mark Eskandari, MD, Mark Morasch, MD Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
EP20. | | Factors Influencing Maturation of Native Arteriovenous Fistulas Karen Woo, Fred A. Weaver, Vincent L. Rowe University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
EP21. | | Socioeconomic Status Affects Outcome after Vascular Surgery Tej K Atluri, MD1, Racheed Ghanami, MD1, Jeanette Andrews, MS2, Kimberley J. Hansen, MD1, Thomas Conlee, MD1 1Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC 2Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
EP22. | | Cryopreserved Ssphenous Vein Allograft for Infragenicular Bypass in the Presence of Foot Infection Walaya Methodius Rayford, MD, James M. Combs, MD, Eric D. Wellons, MD, James M. Poindexter, MD, David Rosenthal, MD Atlanta Medical Center, Atlanta, GA
EP23. | | Upper Extremity Thrombo-Embolectomy Using Preoperative Ultrasound Duplex as the Sole Diagnostic Imaging Method Anil Hingorani, MD, Enrico Ascher, MD, Natalie Marks, MD, Dred Usoh, MD, Alexsander Shiferson, DO, Robert Jimenez, MD, Ed Aboian, MDN, Theresa Jacob, PhD, Thomas McIntyre, PA Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
EP24. | | Paradigm Shift in Ruptured AAA (RAAA) Management; Twelve Years Experience in a Tertiary Referral Centre of Endovascular Repair of RAAA(REVAR) vs. Open Repair (OR) Sherif Sultan, MD FRCS FASC EBQS Vascular, Ala Elhelali, MSc, Niamh Hynes, MD MRCS MMSc ENDO Western Vascular Institute, Galway, Ireland
EP25. | | Endovascular Treatment of Profunda Femoris Artery Obstructive Disease) Eleonora Tomasyan, Simon Papoyan Moscow Municipal Hospital, Moscow, Russian Federation
EP26. | | Use of the Viabahn Stent to Treat Clinically Significant Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusive Disease: A Single Practitioner's Experience Robert Hacker, MD, Toufic Safa, MD, FACS Northshore - Longisland Jewish Health System, Manhasset, NY
EP27. | | Hybrid Approach to Bleeding Aorto-Enteric Fistula in Patients Not Amenable to Traditional Open Repair Using the Renal Artery as a Conduit Guillermo A. Escobar, MD, Jonathan L. Eliason, MD, Justin B. Hurie, MD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
EP28. | | Ultrasound-Enhanced Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis of Iliofemoral Deep Venous Thrombosis Paul J. Riesenman, MD MS, James G. Reeves, MD, Karthikeshwar Kasirajan, MD, Luke P. Brewster, MD, PhD, Ravi K. Veeraswamy, MD, Joseph J. Ricotta II, MD, Mathew A. Corriere, MD, Thomas F. Dodson, MD Emory University, Atlanta, GA
EP29. | | Isolated Iliac Artery Aneurysms: Management and Outcomes in the Endovascular Era Rodney P. Bensley, MD, Rob Hurks, MD, Ruby C. Lo, MD, Frank Pomposelli, MD, Allen Hamdan, MD, Mark Wyers, MD, Elliot Chaikof, MD, Marc Schermerhorn, MD BIDMC, Boston, MA
EP30. | | MRV vs. IVUS for the Detection of Iliac Vein Stenosis Anil Hingorani, MD, Danny Novak, MD, Enrico Ascher, MD, Natalie Marks, MD RVT, Alexsander Shiferson, DO, Robert Jimenez, MD, Ed Aboian, MD, Theresa Jacob, PhD Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
EP31. | | The Evolution of EVAR: Has Surgical Techniques Improved with Increasing Experience? Jeffrey Jim, MD1, Jason T. Lee, MD2, Luis A. Sanchez, MD1 1Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO 2Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA
EP32. | | Atherectomy for Radial Artery Calcification (ARC) in Dialysis Access Richard Schutzer, MD North Shore/Long Island Jewish, Lake Success, NY
EP33. | | Treatment and Outcome Analyses of Splenic Artery Aneurysms in a 5-Year Population Based Sample Matthew T. Allemang, MD1, Jesse D. Schold, PhD2, Ryan O. Lakin, MD1, Vikram S. Kashyap, MD1 1University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH 2Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
EP34. | | Variability in Carotid Endarterectomy: An Outcome and Cost Analysis Sibu P. Saha, MD,MBA, David Minion, MD, Eleftherios Xenos, MD, Victor Ferraris, MD, PhD, Daniel Davenport, PhD, Eric Endean, MD University of KY, Lexington, KY
EP35. | | Single Surgeon Carotid Endarterectomy Results in a Community Hospital Kyle Matthew Hines, College student, Daniel J. McGraw, MD Camden Clark Medical Center, Parkersburg, WV
EP36. | | Management of Endoleaks: A Large, Single-Center Experience Benjamin Lind, MD1, Chad Jacobs, MD1, Ferral Hector, MD1, Peter Hunt, MD2, Goldin Marshall, MD1, Robert March, MD1, Walter McCarthy, MD1 1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL 2Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
EP37. | | Single Center Long-Term Results Utilizing the Talent Aortic Endograft Lisa M. Louwers, MD, Paul G. Bove, MD, Graham W. Long, MD William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
EP38. | | Bowing as an Adjunct for Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Chen Rubinstein, MD, Eric D. Endean, MD, David J. Minion, MD, Gabriel J. Bietz, MD, Ehab S. Sorial, MD, Shane D. O'Keeffe, MD, Eleftherios S. Xenos, MD, PhD University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
EP39. | | In-patient Adult and Pediatric Vascular Ultrasound: Distribution and Rate of Positive Findings Anil Hingorani, MD, Danny Novak, Enrico Ascher, MD, Natalie Marks, MD RVT, Alexsander Shiferson, DO, Robert Jimenez, MD, Ed Aboian, MD, Theresa Jacob, PhD Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
EP40. | | Prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Undergoing Elective Aortoiliac Surgery Anthony Iacco, MD, O. William Brown, MD, Catherine J. Coleman, RN, BSN, Victoria C. Lucia, PhD Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, MI
EP41. | | Management Of Percutaneous Access Complications Benjamin Lind, MD1, Chad Jacobs, MD1, Ferral Hector, MD1, Peter Hunt, MD2, Walter McCarthy, MD1 1Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL 2Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL