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Prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Undergoing Elective Aortoiliac Surgery
Anthony Iacco, M.D., O. William Brown, M.D., Catherine J. Coleman, RN, BSN, Victoria C. Lucia, PhD.
Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, MI, USA.

Objectives: To determine the impact of cardiac risk modification including the use of statins on the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with infrarenal aortoiliac occlusive and aneurysmal disease.
Methods: Retrospective chart review of 105 patients undergoing elective open aortoiliac procedures from July 2006 - May 2010 and coronary artery evaluation procedures within 2 years of the aortoiliac procedure.
Results: There were 70 patients with aneurysmal disease and 35 patients with occlusive disease. The prevalence of CAD was 59.8% (n=61). Mortality within 90 days of open aortic surgery of the infrarenal aorta was 6.7% (n=7). Cardiac morbidity for aneurysmal disease was 27% (n=19) and for occlusive disease was 14% (n=5).
Conclusions: Attention to cardiac risk modification including the use of statins has not appeared to have reduced the prevalence of CAD in patients with aortoiliac occlusive or aneurysmal disease over the last 20-30 years. CAD prevalence of 59.8% in this study is within the range reported in the literature in the early 80’s (41-60%). Therefore, cardiac evaluation continues to be an integral part of the pre-operative evaluation for patients undergoing open aortic surgery of the infrarenal aorta.

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