2014 Preliminary Program
All ePosters Abstracts
P1 |
Does the Late Mortality Rate Justify Evar in High Risk Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Patients?
Vincent Kirkpatrick, MD, Ian Gordon, MD, PhD, Russell Williams, MD, Samuel Wilson, MD
University of California Irvine, Orange, CA
P2 |
Resident Views on Vascular Ultrasonography Education: A Canadian Perspective
Michael D. Clemente, BSc1, Douglas Wooster, MD, FRCSC, FACS, RPVI2, Elizabeth Wooster, MEd, PhD Candidate3
1Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 2Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
P3 |
Endovascular Management of Ascending Aortic Pseudoaneurysms
Thurston M. Bauer, MD, Raghuveer Vallabhaneni, MD, William A. Marston, MD, Mark A. Farber, MD
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
P4 |
Systematic Review of the Comparative Effectiveness of Surgical Interventions Aimed at Treating Underlying Venous Pathology in Patients with Chronic Venous Ulcer
Mahmoud Malas, MD, Umair Qazi, MD, MPH, Gerald Lazarus, MD, M. Fran Valle, Lisa M. Wilson, M.Sc, Elisabeth B. Haberl, Eric B. Bass, MD, MPH, Jonathan Zenilman, MD
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
P5 |
Content, Accuracy and Completeness of Patient Consent in a Regional Vascular Centre
Mark E. O'Donnell, MMedSc, MD, FRCS, Damian McGrogan, MB MRCS, David Mark, MB MRCS, Bernard Lee, FRCS
Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, United Kingdom
P6 |
Incidence of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Has Decreased Significantly in the Last Decade: A 30-Year Population Based Study
Amanda J. Kravetz, MD, Manju Kalra, MBBS, Audra Duncan, MD, Thomas C. Bower, MD, Gustavo Oderich, MD, Mark Fleming, MD, William S. Harmsen, MS, Peter Gloviczki, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
P7 |
Outcomes After Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) Compared With Open Surgical Repair for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (rAAA) in a Contemporary National Registry
Robert Chang, MD1, Karen Quirk, MD2, Faith Anthony, MA3, Mary Lou Kiley, MBA3, Christopher Ake, PhD3, Bradley Hill, MD4, Rishad Faruqi, MD4, Thomas Rehring, MD5, Homayon Hajarizadeh, MD6, Robert Hye, MD3
1The Permanente Medical Group, South San Francisco, CA, 2University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, 3Southern California Permanente Medical Group, San Diego, CA, 4The Permanente Medical Group, Santa Clara, CA, 5Colorado Permanente Medical Group, Denver, CO, 6Northwest Permanente Medical Group, Clackamas, OR
P8 |
Brachiocephalic Vein Bypass with Sternal Reconstruction for Symptomatic Occlusion
Mark E. O'Donnell, MMedSc MD FRCS, Dawn Jaroszewski, MD, Kathryn Coan, MD, Grant Fankhauser, MD, William M. Stone, MD, Richard J. Fowl, MD, Francis J. Kazmier, MD, Samuel R. Money, MD
Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ
P9 |
Multidisciplinary Care Includes Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) for Cancer Patients and Survivors in a Tertiary Referral Cancer Center
Tam T. Huynh, MD1, Steven Y. Huang, MD2, Reza Mehran, MD2, Kamran Ahrar, MD2
1University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, 2University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
P10 |
Contemporary Management of Radiation-Induced Ilio-femoral Arterial Occlusive Disease in a Cancer Survivors
Tam T. Huynh, MD, Steven Y. Huang, MD, Judy Ahrar, MD, Reza Mehran, MD, Kamran Ahrar, MD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
P11 |
Imaging Handling in Presentations at Vascular Meetings: Do We Have a Vision?
Elizabeth Wooster, MEd, PhD Candidate1, Douglas Wooster, MD, FRCSC, FACS, RPVI2
1Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, OISE/University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
P12 |
Risks and outcomes of postoperative cardiac arrest after vascular surgery: defining the evidence for informed discussions of code status and goals of care
Jeffrey J. Siracuse, MD, Ellen C. Meltzer, MD, Heather L. Gill, MD, Ashley R. Graham, Darren B. Schneider, MD, Peter H. Connolly, MD, Andrew J. Meltzer, MD.
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY
P13 |
Operative Management of Aortic Graft Infection: A Single Center Experience of 53 Cases
Ilkka K. Kantonen1, Ivika Heinola1, Marianne Jaroma2, Maarit Venermo1
1Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, 2Kuopio Univeristy Hospital, Kuopio, Finland
P14 |
Delay in Surgery is Associated with Worse Peri-Operative Outcomes in Patients with Asymptomatic Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Isibor J. Arhuidese, MB.BS MPH, Christopher J. Abularrage, MD, Umair Qazi, MD MPH, Julie A. Freischlag, MD, Mahmoud B. Malas, MD MHS
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
P15 |
Repair Of Mycotic Para-visceral Aneurysms: Mid-Term Results
Young Erben, MD, Manju Kalra, MBBS, Thomas C. Bower, MD, Gustavo S. Oderich, MD, Audra A. Duncan, MD, Mark D. Fleming, MD, Randall De Martino, MD, Peter Gloviczki, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
P16 |
Salvage EVAR Using a Bifurcated Aortic Endograft in a Case of Aortic Endograft Stent Migration
Gerard P. De Castro, MD, MPH, Nikita Tihonov, MD, Chad E. Jacobs, MD, Ulku C. Turba, MD, Bulent Arslan, MD, Walter J. McCarthy, MD
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
P17 |
Aortic Graft Infection with Histoplasma capsulatum: A Case Report
John P. Davis, MD, Amit Jain, MBBS, MS, Joshua C. Eby, MD, John A. Kern, MD, Gilbert R. Upchurch, Jr., MD, Margaret C. Tracci, MD, JD.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
P18 |
Early Results of Using Spiral Flow AV Graft: Is it a Breakthrough Solution to a Difficult Problem?
Hosam F. El Sayed, MD, Mark Davies, MD
The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
P19 |
Functional Status of Elderly Adults before and After Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Todd R. Vogel, MD, MPH, Gregory F. Petroski, PhD, Robin L. Kruse, PhD
University of Missouri Hospital & Clinics, Columbia, MO
P20 |
Feasibility of Endovascular Splenic Artery Aneurysm Repair Using Low-Profileself-Expandable Stent-Grafts
Nanette R. Reed, MD, Gustavo Oderich, MD, Jesse Manunga, MD, Audra Duncan, MD, Manju Kalra, MBBS, Thomas Bower, MD, Mark Fleming, MD, Randall de Martino, MD, Peter Gloviczki, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
P21 |
Non-traditional Risk Factors that Influence Follow-up Attendance of Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Sukhmine Baines, BS, MA1, Kevin C. Chun, BS2, Ashley S. Schmidt, BA2, Jacqulyne H. Sylvia, BS2, Kiana M. Samadzadeh, BS2, Eugene S. Lee, MD, PhD1
1University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, 2Sacramento VA Medical Center, Sacramento, CA
P22 |
Percutaneous thrombolysis of acute-on-chronic IVC thrombosis after previous insertion of an Adams-DeWeese Clip
Mark E. O'Donnell, MMedSc MD FRCS, Sailendra G. Naidu, MD, Kathryn E. Coan, MD, Grant T. Fankhauser, MD, Richard J. Fowl, MD, William M. Stone, MD, Fadi E. Shamoun, MD, Samuel R. Money, MD
Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ
P23 |
Endovascular Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus with a Thoracic Stent Graft
William B. Harris, DO, Mark W. Fugate, MD, Larry R. Sprouse, Jr., MD, Clifton S. Reade, MD, Christopher J. Lesar, MD
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN
P24 |
Open Operative Ligation of Type II Endoleaks Result in a Safe and Durable Repair
William B. Harris, DO, Larry R. Sprouse, Jr., MD, Christopher J. Lesar, MD, Charles S. Joels, MD, Jeffrey S. Horn, MD, Mark W. Fugate, MD, Michael S. Greer, MD
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN
P25 |
Experience with Covered Stents for the Management of Infected Arteriovenous Grafts
Nicholas J. Gargiulo, III, MD FACS
Hofstra University School of Medicine, NYIT Osteopathic School of Medicine, North Shore-LIJ Health System, Plainview, NY
P26 |
Hepatic Artery Aneurysm: A Case Report and Literature Review
Katie M. Shean, MD, Charles Strom, MD, Scott Johnson, MD, Nikhil Kansal, MD
St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, Brighton, MA
P27 |
Axillary Artery Access for Deployment of the Iliac Limb During Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) for Preservation of Pelvic Perfusion
Alexandros Mallios, MD, Rob Brown, MD, John Blebea, MD, MBA
University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK
P28 |
Is the Incidence of Lower Extremity Amputation Higher in Older Patients (<70) Presenting with Critical Limb Ischemia?
Nicholas J. Gargiulo, III, MD FACS1, Yana Etkin, MD2
1Hofstra University School of Medicine/NYIT Osteopathic School of Medicine, North Shore-LIJ Health, Old Bethpage, NY, 2University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
P29 |
Outcomes of Single vs. Two-port Laparoscopic Peritoneal Dialysis (LPD) Performed by Vascular Surgeons
Carlos F. Bechara, MD MS, Jesus Matos, MD, Neal Barshes, MD MPH, George Pisimisis, MD, Panos Kougias, MD, Peter Lin, MD
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
P30 |
Open Surgical Repair of Iliac Venous Aneurysm: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
William B. Harris, DO, Christopher M. Bell, MD, Christopher J. Lesar, MD, Larry R. Sprouse, Jr., MD
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN
P31 |
Risks Associated with Modern Open Aortic Surgery: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Patients Have A Higher Rate of Postoperative Complications than Aortic Occlusive Disease Patients
Qinghua Pu, MD, Atul Rao, MD, Alexander Shiferson, DO, Michael Shih, MD, Muhammad A. Khan, MD, Suttatip Vechvitvarakul, MD, Robert Rhee, MD
Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
P32 |
Is Carotid Artery Patching Always Required to Prevent Restenosis Following Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA)?
Nicholas J. Gargiulo, III, MD FACS
Hofstra University School of Medicine/NYIT Osteopathic School of Medicine, North Shore-LIJ Health, Old Bethpage, NY
P33 |
Endovascular Management of Subclavian Pseudoaneurysms
M. A. Mansour, MD, Michelle A. Kosovec, MD, Christopher M. Chambers, MD, Robert F. Cuff, MD, Jason D. Slaikeu, MD
Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, MI
P34 |
Advanced Age and Disease Predict Lack of Satisfaction After Iliac Stent Placement
Roland Assi, MD1, Kirstyn Brownson, MD1, Michael Hall, MD1, Penny Vasilas, RN2, Cassius Chaar, MD1, Alan Dardik, MD, PhD1
1Yale University School Of Medicine, New Haven, CT, 2VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT
P35 |
Open Repair of a Primary Arteriovenous Fistula of the Thyroid Cervical Trunk and the External Jugular Vein: A Case Report
John Phair, BS, Eric Trestman, MD, Jennifer Stableford, MD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Montefiore, New York, NY